Saturday, March 15, 2014

In It to Pin It

If you've spent any time on Pinterest, you know how easy it is to get lost in an infinite pinning loop.  AS the definition suggests, it's a visual feast of all things fabulous that most of us may never experience, possess, or create.  But there's something about being able to curate collections that levels the playing field and allows us all to show off our interests and style no matter what our budgets may be.

Just because we may never get to Bora Bora or know how to photograph the moon so it looks like it's sitting in our wheelbarrow doesn't mean we can't appreciate it immensely.

Since I'm a big word person, I love the variety of ways quotes and sayings are illustrated.  I also have a soft spot for critters of all kinds, nature, doorways, swimming spots, Santa Fe, and shoes. 

Today I gleaned several six word summaries from pins.

Sometimes you win.  Sometimes you learn.

Get out of your own way.

Be humble.  You could be wrong.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

Not my circus.  Not my monkeys.

Confidence is silent.  Insecurities are loud.

There were many more, but I'm only sharing the ones with six words.  Otherwise, I'd still be pinning!

If you want to see these words come alive, visit my Words to Live By board on Pinterest.  Be warned:  Only look if you have a few hours to spare.  It's addicting!

 Hahaha the ultimate truth

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