Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Art Appreciation

Even though war movies are right up there with horror movies on my list to avoid, tonight I saw  "The Monuments Men" and gained a whole new appreciation for art.

I am certain there are angels among us, working tirelessly to protect what's good, beautiful, and important every day. Most times their work goes undetected.  Often times it goes unappreciated.  It does my heart good to hear their stories finally told, their praises finally sung, and their good deeds lasting for lifetimes.

Let's face it.  Life can be hard.  Work can be intolerable.  The money can run out.  We can get sick or injured.  We can lose loved ones or our livelihoods.  People can be difficult, to put it mildly.  And things don't always go our way.

So it's important to remind ourselves in the midst of all the negativity there is always, always, always something to be grateful for.  Just as "money can't buy happiness, but it can buy marshmallows...which is pretty much the same thing," most of us have something that can instantly brighten our day.

I recommend you keep it close by.

Whether it's turning on the radio and hearing a Bee Gees song right after reading the Jury Duty: The Musical post, or making hilarious Jib Jab cards to send to unsuspecting friends, or remembering it's  a friend's birthday as well as St. Patrick's Day so it's absolutely acceptable to eat green cupcakes instead of drink green beer, any small thing can potentially turn a frown upside down.

I'm not saying you don't have reason to feel down.  I am not standing in your shoes.  I'm just saying when you shift your focus to your shoes (which I imagine are spectacular) from where they happen to be standing in this moment, that becomes your ticket out of funky town. This is why I definitely recommend having really fun and/or funky shoes.

So wrapping up the day in six words, I shall leave you with this:  Be an original work of art.


  1. Thank you, D2! Did I mention I once created a prototype for a Movie Critic Kit? It's a way for friends to recommend movies to each other that says as much about the person recommending it as the movie itself. This movie definitely inspired me. War and art, who would have guessed? Other than Steven Pressfield who wrote, "The War of Art" for creative types and Sun Tzu, the Chinese military general who wrote the "Art of War" for militant types!
