Back when I thought I could create anything and figure out a way to sell it, I came up with an idea to create a Movie Critic Kit. I had the whole thing figured out from packaging to marketing, convinced it would be a fantastic way for friends to recommend their favorite films not only their to friends, but film aficionados everywhere.
The idea was basically one would recommend a film in a way that revealed as much about the reviewer as the movie. This would be designed not so much for mainstream movies but those independent, quirky, lovely movies that never get the big release or audience they deserve. This would be ideally suited for independent, quirky, lovely reviewers who often don't get heard but have a unique point of view.
Okay, maybe you understand why I couldn't retire off the deal?
But my love for quirky, beautiful, off the beaten path movies remains and whenever I stumble upon a place that shows these kinds of films in Iowa, where I now live, (I only say this only because they were around every corner in Santa Fe, where I used to live), I get extremely excited.
So imagine my delight when I stumbled into the fabulously funky Mindframe Theater in Dubuque to see a movie called Begin Again. I love this theater not because you can buy beer in a bucket or caramel corn as well as popcorn and they have exquisite sinks in the bathrooms, but because they show my kind of movies.
Bob has learned to follow my lead in movies even though he's had many opportunities to doubt me. Saturday night was no exception when he looked around the room and came to the conclusion, as he did at Jersey Boys, that we were the youngest couple in the room. Clearly, the younger set had gone to see Sex Tape.
But I was on a mission. As soon as I learned this movie was produced by the same people who gave us Once, I knew we were in for a treat.
I so love stories of unlikely artists who become successful in their own way and time. The thing I particularly loved about Begin Again is that it is showing us how not only the music industry but our whole culture is shifting to giving our gifts away. Ironically, in doing so, we find support in unsuspecting places.
We all have a light inside of us that burns brightly for something or someone or a cause or a cure. Yet with all of the competing voices, it's hard to believe our voice will ever get even 15 minutes of fame. Marketers will tell us we have to be edgier, more outrageous, more in your face or whatever.
This movie reminds us we just have to be authentic, genuinely love what we do, find others who are similarly passionate and committed and willing to do it not for eventual fame and fortune, but because doing so heals us, it saves us, it sets us free. As I have said before, we must let our art heal our hearts.
One of my favorite things to witness is watching people do what they are naturally gifted at doing but unassumingly unaware of how good they are. Their generosity and spontaneity and creativity is contagious. Yeah, we all want to get us some of that mojo, charisma, whatever you choose to call it.
The thing is these people live among us, quietly going their rock star thing without needing to have their own reality show to validate their egos. But amazingly enough, people flock to them. Check out any of those people who have given a TED talk.
Of course having a viewing audience helps, but with the Internet, anything can go viral... for better or for worse. Worse would be what I'm assuming happens in the Sex Tape movie.
But in Begin Again, the power of the Internet is used for good. I don't want to give away the ending, so I'll leave it at that. And this - do not expect anymore than two judges from The Voice to show up in the film.
If you are at all inclined to quietly make some noise, be daringly different, and speak your mind, even if your voice shakes, do yourself a favor and see Begin Again. And if you live near Dubuque, check out Mindframe Theater. If you don't like it, you don't ever have to follow me into a movie theater again. Only Bob does.
But if you do, I have more reviews for you!
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Sounds like one for my queue! I'm a huge TED fan! I'm even making a spreadsheet :)
ReplyDeleteGreat idea with the spreadsheet. There are so many great talks that's a clever way to keep track of them. Love it! And I think you'll like this movie. Did you ever see Once?